Saturday, December 1, 2007

Finding the perfect job - one week at a time

Most people search for jobs online, or through a few people they know.

Sean Aiken is trying out a new job each week to find out what works for him.
Week 2 - Talk Show Intern
Week 8 - Dairy Farmer
Week 19 - Brewmaster
Week 24 - Veterinary Assistant

Week 33 - Stock Trader

It's ambitious, he's pulling it off, and I'm fairly certain he'll end up in a place he didn't expect to be. (Perhaps being the focus of more documentaries?)

For some great videos (and ideas on what jobs are out there) visit Sean's blog - And for help with your own career search or switch, contact me.

1 comment:

Alex Linsker said...

Zohar, thanks for blogging about this.

I sort of fell in love with the show just now from watching an online clip.