Bed bugs are a problem in New York City (the NY Times ran four articles about them last month alone). So it came as no surprise when Barry started talking with me about his obsession with protecting his family from them.
He'd heard the horror stories from two close friends - about how the exterminators would come, but the bugs would stay. Of people leaving the city entirely after moving from an infested apartment, only to have the new apartment also be infested (the new landlord painted over the walls and didn't mention the issue).
Determined to avoid such a disaster in his home, in April, Barry started to insist that everyone put their bags and shoes into large plastic bins in the entry. He would also vacuum his home three times a week - not only would he vacuum behind the sofa cushions, he would unzip and vacuum the inside of them as well (just in case!). And it went on from there. All this felt like the sane thing to do in the face of a pesky danger to his son.
The problem was that the behavior was starting to feel obsessive - and ineffectual. The friends of his 7 year-old son who had been exposed to bed bugs would play in the apartment. The walls could develop a crack from where the bugs could seep in. There were too many variables. Too many possibilities that something could creep in. Even Barry's son started calling him obsessed and asked him to chill out. (His wife was lovingly accommodating, but still shook her head in wonder.)
This was the situation where Barry approached me. Between half-hearted jokes about his behavior, he mentioned that he'd like to stop. There's no point in trying to make a shift if a shift isn't desired. So I asked him directly, "Which is it? Do you want the behavior or do you want to stop?"
Had he said that he wanted to maintain the behavior, I would have gone along with it and enjoyed his company for the rest of the evening (Barry's a very funny guy). But as it was, he became somber and concerned. Barry said he really did want to change - even his 7 year-old was acting more mature and calling him out on odd behavior - but didn't know how.
I asked him:
Why do you want to stop?
What do you get out of the behavior?
How else can you get it?
What's next (or even more important)?
As a result, Barry realized that he was spending more time and energy worrying about bed bugs than if he actually got them. Even though he could try to protect his son from tiny bites, there were other things that would hurt even more. And the most important lesson he could bestow at this point was that it's possible to get over an obsession and return to normal behavior.
The next day Barry and his son got rid of the bins.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Obsession-Be-Gone - The story of one man's fight with his fight against bed bugs
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2:04 PM
Labels: coaching, happiness, health, life's journey, problem solving, release, stress reduction method, tips
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Presentation on 11/18: Giving Thanks to Stress
Saturday, October 30, 2010
How long should it take to recover from a car incident?
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Why time doesn't heal ANY wounds
When someone is suffering emotionally we often try to comfort them by saying "It'll take time," or "Just give it a bit of time."
Unfortunately there's no special quality of time. Time itself doesn't heal wounds. 10 years never saved anyone - it's the new perspectives we discover and accept during those 10 years that makes the difference. They're the ones that helps us realize that things really are releasable.
So what are we really saying when we prescribe time? We're saying that time is what gives us that perspective (or ability to access that perspective) rather than that other perspective is available to us immediately. It may not be evident right away, but don't make your ability to recognize and adopt perspectives time-dependent. That's ceding control of an ability we all have available at any time. And not just any ability, it's the best thing to get you to move on.
What new experience are you waiting for? What are you going to know, feel, see differently later? Different perspectives are there for the taking. Seek them out! Explore them! The end of your suffering may be sooner than you think.
Posted by
9:26 AM
Labels: change, health, problem solving, stress reduction method, tips
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Take Your Pick of Reactions
So go ahead and pick a reaction you you feel would better serve you when you encounter your next "stressful situation." You don't need to pick "the best" reaction, as long as it's better than stress your experience will improve. All it takes to change your reaction is practicing your desired one and a mindset to do so.
Positive Emotional Reactions | |||
Adequate | Awe | Assured | Able |
Capable | Certain | Charmed | Cheerful |
Comfortable | Compassion | Courageous | Confident |
Determined | Delighted | Eager | Energetic |
Enthusiastic | Excited | Exhilarated | Expectant |
Elation | Empathy | Excellent | Fascinated |
Glad | Good | Great | Grateful |
Glorious | Glamorous | Graceful | Happy |
Hopeful | Humorous | Inspired | Interested |
Joyful | Magnificent | Lust | Love |
Pleasure | Playfulness | Peaceful | Pleasant |
Powerful | Prideful | Upbeat | Relaxed |
Relieved | Satisfied | Surprised | Sympathy |
Stable | Sublime | Superior | Thrilled |
Negative Emotional Reactions | |||
Annoyed | Anxious | Apprehensive | Agonize |
Anger | Anxiety | Apathy | Bored |
Burdened | Cautious | Competitive | Concerned |
Confused | Contempt | Depressed | Destructive |
Disgusted | Distracted | Doubtful | Disappointed |
Exasperated | Exhausted | Embarrassment | Envy |
Frustrated | Fear | Guilty | Greed |
Grief | Harassed | Hesitant | Hostile |
Ignored | Impatient | Indifferent | Intimidated |
Isolated | Irritated | Jealous | Jumpy |
Lonely | Mad | Manipulated | Miserable |
Obnoxious | Overwhelmed | Panic | Pressured |
Remorse | Revenge | Shame | Sad |
Scared | Shocked | Suspicious | Stress |
Tired | Uncomfortable | Uneasy | Used |
Wary | Weary | Wasteful |
Posted by
3:04 PM
Labels: change, definition, gratitude, happiness, reactions, stress reduction method
Saturday, September 4, 2010
The other most important word in stress
Posted by
10:12 AM
Labels: definition, diffusers, release, stress reduction method, tips
The most important word in stress
Adj: Capable of being let go.
Everything you find stressful is releasable. Once you've decided what's really stressable in your life, your ability to succeed in moving on is dependent on how much you believe that it's releasable.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Presentation on August 11th: The Game of Stress
Please join me at the upcoming Applied Improvisation Network (AIN) NY regional meeting on Wednesday, August 11th.
The event is open to improvisers and non-improvisers alike who want to improve their applied improvisation skills and learn more about using improv games as a form of experiential learning in a business/organizational setting.
The evening will consist of some getting-to-know-you games, opportunities to share your favorite and most effective exercises, and I will present - The Game of Stress. (This will be a mini version of the workshop that I will present in September at this year's AIN conference in Amsterdam.)
About The Game of Stress: Discover insights and workable solutions to even your most overwhelming situations resulting in an immediate reduction of stress in your life. Bring your stressful situations and we’ll apply improv exercises to the stress-release methods introduced in my book, The Gift of Stress.
After the session, we'll discuss the exercises used, other ways it could have been facilitated, and conclude with a game swap.
Wednesday, August 11th
6:30 to 9:30 PM
Teachers College, Columbia University
525 West 120th Street b/w Broadway and Amsterdam
Take the 1 train to 116th (and Broadway). Walk four blocks North on Broadway, then turn right on 120th. The entrance is half-way down the block on the North side of the street. If you do not see Zohar or Caitlin waiting by the guard's desk, just tell the guard you are going to room 305 in the library. Take the elevator to the third floor, walk through the large reading room to the set of study rooms in the back. We will be in room 305.
Cost: $5 suggested donation to help cover snacks.
RSVP to so we can estimate supplies and room size.
Posted by
4:23 PM
Labels: Gift of Stress, Key Points of Stress Release, workshop
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
The Gift of Stress: the first edition is now a limited edition
The "good" news is that people have really enjoyed and benefited from applying the tools, tips and techniques in The Gift of Stress (check out the reviews on Amazon!)
In the process of promoting the book and getting it into retail outlets (Quest Bookshop being the first to carry it), it got into the hands of a literary agent (Laura Ross from Jill Grinberg Literary Management). Long story short, I'm now in the process of submitting The Gift of Stress to major publishers.
The "bad" news is that I won't be able to sell or print more copies of the book once the proposal I'm writing gets sent out. And if it gets picked up by a publisher, it'll be unavailable for another year.
All this is to say that I'm really proud that the book has been so well received, and bummed that it has to be taken off the shelves so soon. So if you were planning on purchasing a copy, please don't delay. There are less than 100 copies left and they won't be available much longer.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
What We Gain By Being Curious Rather Than Critical
Author Joe Queenan reread Ben Franklin's book, Poor Richard’s Almanac, and shared his thoughts in a July 4th NY Times article called, Ben Franklin s a Big Fat Idiot. It's a well-meaning piece on the man he considers to be a "titan" worthy of his "esteem and affection". That's why it seems odd to me that Queenan doesn't give Franklin's work - one that he has admired for decades! - enough credit. It was the article's concluding paragraph that particularly bothered me.
I still admire Ben Franklin, and will never cease to do so. But from now on, that homage will be qualified. Much as I hate to admit it, sayings like “If it were not for the belly, the back might wear gold” and “A life of leisure and a life of laziness are two things” just don’t cut the mustard. They’re the kind of pointless, obtuse, third-rate flapdoodle Franklin himself would have hated, and for which there is only one proper response: Hey, buddy, go fly a kite.
First of all, one's homage should always be qualified. Admire, believe in, follow, but never blindly.
Second, Queenan abandons much of his favorite historical figure's work. In his race to critique, he misses the opportunity re-find wisdom in the words. One should look to their past inspirations not with a critical mind but a curious one.
In the conclusion, Queenan dismisses the line “a life of leisure and a life of laziness are two things.” Rather than seeking fault, he could have tried to find Franklin's reasoning by asking questions like "How could Franklin's words be right?" and "What's special about them being "two things?"
As a guy whose life revolves around releasing stress, Queenan's dismissal of this line was particularly disappointing to me. I regularly talk with people who feel that if they don't work hard (avoiding leisure) nothing will get done (laziness). Franklin's words correctly state that leisure does not necessitate laziness. They are two separate things. You can get plenty done in a relaxed manner. Plus, the fact of the matter is that everything can't get done, nor should everything that can be done actually be done. This is often overlooked in our do-more society (the Story of the Mexican Fisherman comes to mind).
Third, the attitude of "Hey buddy, if it's not going to be brilliant after 200 years, don't write it!" is a really hostile and unproductive one to have. I have a feeling that Queenan wouldn't ever write a word (let alone this article or his books) if that standard was applied to his own writing.
Lastly, "go fly a kite"? I know it's a historical quip, but in our society it's also a blow-off. If you wouldn't say it to your titan's face (and I have a hard time believing Queenan would), don't write it.
Posted by
3:41 PM
Labels: busy, change, etiquette, fun tidbits, gratitude, happiness, judgment, life's journey, problem solving, release, self-talk, tips
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Boring + Fun = Not Boring
When we take the time to add fun to a situation it gets transformed. A lot of people use stress/deadlines/self-flagellation as motivation to do something. Yet we all have things that we do because there's an inner motivation - have you ever had to give yourself a deadline to get dessert?
VolkWagon has a campaign that shows innovative ways they've gotten people to do "boring" things - they call it The Fun Theory. Their most popular video shows how to get people to use the stairs instead of taking the escalator. (Thanks to Shreedevi for reminding me of the campaign.)
For those who want to take the stairs more, but are on a budget, feel free to substitute "piano" for "humming a song" as you walk up.
Yesterday I played croquet with some friends - it's a fun game, but can become boring quickly. To add some fun I came up with the idea of giving each player the opportunity to place an obstacle (usually a bag) on the field once per game, at least 18 inches from a wicket. This addition created a sense of excitement and unpredictability that changed the tide each game.
Have you added an element of fun to a "boring" activity? Share it in the comments!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
New Stop Stressing Radio Show: Being Alone, Driving & Texting
The latest episodes of the Stop Stressing Radio Show are available for download!
In the May 3rd episode my co-host Michele Lamoureux and I discussed how the stress of being alone impacts our health and relationships, as well as what you can do about it.
In the May 10th episode we discussed the impact of the new laws on driving and texting, and how they relate to other times where something we've grown used to gets taken away.
Lots of stories, tips and concepts are shared! Particularly how to apply the Four Diffusers to each of the situations and points of view.
Listen to the podcast directly or download it from our station's site.
New shows are recorded live every Monday at 2pm, audience call-ins are welcome! (347) 857-3382.
Have a topic you'd like discussed? Leave a comment to this post or send me an email: zo AT StopStressingOut dot Com
Friday, May 7, 2010
An Interview About Stress and Humor
Earlier this week I was interviewed by Drew Tarvin of - a site dedicated to helping corporations, companies, managers, employees, and even your average Joe (or Joe-ette) bring humor into the workplace and life in general.
- The Gift of Stress (0:35)
- Why We Suck at Handling Stress (5:50)
- Can You Become Stress-Free (9:40)
- The Seven Rs of Stress Release (16:30)
- The All Important Reminder (20:14)
- Humor as a Diffuser (27:15)
- The Stress of a Haircut (32:06)
You can listen to the interview and download the transcript here.
Posted by
11:36 AM
Labels: change, Gift of Stress, happiness, improv, interview, Seven Rs, speaking, stress reduction method
Thursday, April 29, 2010
The first episode of Stop Stressing with Zohar, Michele and Scott is up!
We discussed how allergies impact our health, cause us to shift lifestyles, and give a lot of new things to be aware of while taking away some of the control and freedom we usually take for granted. Lots of stories, tips and concepts are shared!
Play directly or download it:
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Announcing the Stop Stressing Radio Show
Are you stressed out? Would you like to access new ways to deal with your stress better? Join experienced life coaches, Zohar Adner, Michele Lamoureux, and Scott Shane Holt, as they take on the daily stressors in our lives -- Money, Relationships and Health.
Each week you'll gain a new perspective and tips to manage your own stressful situations. This series is effective, fun, and insightful - you're gonna love it!
Listen and call in every Monday at 2pm Eastern Time starting on April 26th.
(Call-in number: (347) 857-3382)
Monday, April 12, 2010
Supporting a Charity
I believe that programs that give creative outlets and opportunities for people helps people find meaning and passion in their lives which in turn makes the world a better place.
Monday, March 22, 2010
The Stressed-Out Job Search
As happy as I am that the healthcare reform bill passed, we're still a long way from living lives without stress and with the other reactions we'd prefer to take its place.
Until then, here's some other good news (as reported in the Maplewood Patch) - the members of the Professionals in Transition group that meets in the main branch of the Maplewood, NJ Public Library are closer to releasing their stress - insurance or not.
We covered how searching for jobs, particularly those searches that extend far beyond initial expectations, have many unfamiliar and unexpected aspects - like explaining a job you do well in the space and format of a resume, cover letter, and interview. After all, these people have been learning how to do their jobs well for decades, not how to write about or discuss them.
Are you dealing with a lot of new situations?
Posted by
5:10 PM
Labels: careers, coaching, Gift of Stress, job search, resume, speaking, stress reduction method, workshop
A peek into a recent workshop

- Stress is Optional
- My definition of stress
- The Four Diffusers: Gap, Attachment, Familiarity, and Mood.
Join me at my next event where I'll go into more detail and gift the audience with bookmarks that have the Key Points on them as well. Or contact me and we'll create an event just for you group.
Posted by
12:16 PM
Labels: definition, Gift of Stress, Key Points of Stress Release, speaking, workshop
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Book Launch Party!
The 2/22 book launch party was a big success!
Over 50 people turned out to celebrate the release of The Gift of Stress.