I recently returned from a wedding where I was asked to give a speech – with less than 30 minutes to prepare. If you’d like to share a few words at a similar gathering I offer you this outline for an intimate, touching, stress-free wedding speech:
- Select a theme that illustrates a trait about the groom or bride (like how they're imaginative, caring, terrible dresser).
- A short introduction on how/why you know the groom or bride.
- Share a little-known anecdote that illustrates their wonderful trait (the more people present you can refer to in the anecdotes the better it will be received).
- Share another anecdote that illustrates how the bride (or groom) helps make that trait even better (or fixes a bad one).
- Pause for a moment, raise a glass, and toast the bride and groom with the lesson from your theme.
- Smile and make eye contact with tables in each area of the room while you’re talking.
- When you talk about a specific person, look at them. If you’re telling an anecdote where you can’t look at the person you’re talking about pick a different one (seriously).
- You’re not out there to look smart, clever, funny, etc. – just make everyone feel good and you’ve succeeded.
- Keep it short - 2 to 5 minutes at most.
- Talk slowly – there’s a natural tendency to talk quickly when addressing a large audience. You’ll be better understood if you make a point of talking slowly.
- Practice in front of a mirror or friend.